Catholic Women's League of Canada
Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Council
Family is Important to Me
Do you want to join an organization that recognizes and celebrates healthy family life?
Your primary role as parent, provider and caregiver is respected and honoured by the CWL; attend meetings and events as your time permits.
Helping other people in your community allows you to live your Christian values and be a positive role model for your family.
You can take part in activites and fundraising efforts that promote family life and lovingly support life in its entirety, from fertilization to natural death.
You can apply for educational bursaries.
Your membership adds power to the CWL's voice as the League lobbies government on social justice issues on behalf of a national sisterhood of Catholic women.
How Can I Enrich my Faith?
Would you like to join women from all across Canada in an organization that can foster and celebrate your Catholic faith?
The CWL is rooted in gospel values and calls you and all members to holiness through service to all people of God.
You are invited to join League sisters as you pray for one another and walk the gospel road together.
Special CWL occasions are often celebrated at the Eucharist.
The CWL mottos is "For God and Canada". Mary is honoured as Our Lady of Good Counsel.
You are encouraged to deepen your spiritual understanding and study Catholic teachings -- an important CWL initiative.
As a CWL member, you joyfully affirm that God's presence blesses every aspect of ordinary life including meetings, volunteer projects and celebrations.
Time is Precious
Are you searching for something worthwhile that makes the best use of your time and talents? Consider the CWL?
Your commitment could be as easy as maintaining an inexpensive yearly membership, even when you are unable to attend meetings or other events. As time permits, you may enjoy helping with one project.
You will notice that prayer and a spirit of joy are important parts of CWL projects as members journey together in faith. Fresh ideas are always welcome; share them with the new friends that await you.
The benefits of the CWL are eternal! Life is a series of new beginnings; make the CWL a priority in your life!
I Can Make a Difference
Are you called to advocate for human rights and social justice? Add your voice/support to a national sisterhood of Catholic women who promote awareness and respond to political and social issues that affect all Canadians.
You can offer welcome and comfort to the vulnerable, the needy and the marginalized.
You can take an active role in the creation of resolutions that are presented to government annually on issues that impact families and communities at home and abroad.
You can improve your organizational and leadership skills through CWL training and service possibilities.
Through the CWL you become part of/join the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations representing Catholic women and the church around the globe. CWL outreach supports many initiatives in developing countries.
Through your efforts, prayerful service and sharing your gifts, you can be blessed with grace-filled moments. As the prayer of St. Francis says, "for it is in giving that we receive."
Come, join us!
Why Join the League?